Selma Malmberg

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since 2020 PhD student
Le Mans Université

•   Topic: Great recessions, economic inequalities and the effectiveness of macroeconomic policies (under the supervision of François Langot and Pablo Winant).
•   CIFRE with the CEPREMAP.
Le Mans
2019-2020 Analysis and Policy in Economics (Master)
Paris School of Economics

•   Courses: International macroeconomics, Advanced econometrics, Machine Learning, Economic history.
•   Research project: Impact of a global stablecoin on the international monetary system (under the supervision of Agnès Bénassy-Quéré).
2016-2020 Economics and finance engineering degree (Master)
Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées

•   Courses: Econometrics, Statistics, Macroeconomics, Machine Learning, Operational research, Corporate finance strategy.
•   Research project: Prediction of the Brexit referendum result with Twitter data.
2014-2016 Classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles - MPSI/MP*
Lycée Janson-de-Sailly

•   Mathematics and physics courses.

Work experiences

since Nov 2020 CEPREMAP - Research assistant
•   Working with the Dynare team on heterogeneous-agent models.
since Aug 2021 Sciences Po - Adjunct instructor
•   Mathematics applied to quantitative social sciences course.
•   Statistics for social sciences course.
Jul-Oct 2022
(3 months)
European Central Bank - PhD trainee
•   Developed a heterogeneous-agent model to study shocks affecting the supply-side of the economy.
Jun-Nov 2020
(5 months)
QuantCube Technology - Data analyst intern
•   Credit analysis in the euro area.
(11 months)
Société Générale CIB - Economics research trainee
•   Developed and improved econometric models for forecasting and analysis.
•   Forecasting and report writing for euro area indicators (e.g. GDP, industrial production, inflation).
•   Research topics: output gap estimation, supercore inflation, Phillips curve.
Jan-May 2018
(5 months)
Lazard - Academic project
•   Theme: Local or foreign currency sovereign debt issuance.
•   Econometric analysis.